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Never Give Up

December 4, 2010

Tuuvshin and his mother Narra
During my April trip to Pucallpa Peru with the ReSurge, formerly Interplast , surgical medical team my world changed for the better. I was able to see first hand the mothers and their children who needed surgery which would give them a chance for a good life. I also met the most amazing doctors and nurses and volunteer staff. Each impressed me with their commitment and compassion to help these children.
During the trip, my heart and soul was on a roller coaster. I met many mothers who had their dreams and prayers answered when the doctors and nurses helped to repair their children’s  lives. This was such a marvelous feeling to experience.
In a few instances my heart was broken. In one case Angel and his mother came to clinic day with great hope. Unfortunately during the pediatrician tests he was ruled a no for surgery because he had a fever and was congested. For several days I was deeply saddened by the situation. I kept asking the staff what could we do.  I finally got an idea from  talking with one of the Interplast team members.  I thought I could send Angel and his mother to Lima Peru when he was feeling better. They had a surgeon in Lima who would be able to perform the surgery. I felt better when the idea I had was verified as being an option to be considered.  I had the pleasure to go to meet Angel’s parents to make the offer the day before I returned home. The offer was made and I was feeling good because I knew I was going to be able to help Angel.  I was told before leaving from our talk with Angel’s father that he was still anxious over the generous offer to help. He wanted some time to think it over.
There is a happy ending to Angel’s story. In Feb 2011 the ReSurge surgical team is returning to Peru and Angel’s name is already on the list. God willing he will pass the pediatrician exam. Last week a representative of Interplast was in Pucallpa getting everything ready for their trip in 2011 and she confirmed that Angel was on the list.  I am now very happy about his future.
This experience gave me the idea of starting a separate Barco’s Nightingales Xtra Care Fund. This fund has already been established with ReSurge.   The fund will be used for special children and their families to be sent by air to a qualified hospital with the right surgeons to fix their problems.
Last month, with the help of Amy Laden of ReSurge,  our first child was selected to use these funds .   A young  boy by the name of Tuushvin, living in Mongolia, was  sent by air with his  mom to a city near by for the surgery. Tuushvin had a severe burn situation on his hands and has  suffered  greatly.  The surgery took place in early Nov.  I am waiting for feedback on the surgery and in how is Tuushvin doing.  I expect to hear something soon. I am praying for the best. I have since heard that  one hand is doing very well with good movement. He will still need a second surgery.
I feel deeply honored and lucky to be able to help. I now know that by my NOT GIVING UP with Angel in Peru a  new world opened up for Tuushvin  and hopefully other children. Things happen in mysterious ways.
I hope one day in my life I will have the pleasure to meet Tuushvin in person. May god be good to him and may his life be filled with much promise.