Exciting News
I want to update you all on what took place at our company holiday in early December. I communicated to our 200 employees that in 2016 we would be making an added donation on behalf of each employee to pay for a daily hot lunch for 4 children. In total, that would nearby double our current number of 756 by adding another 800 daily hot lunches.
We have reached out to Rafael to get his assistance in locating more schools so we can add the 800 lunches as early next year as possible.
In our travels to Haiti last year we visited a school near our water well in Ravinlong and that seems like a good start. I would also like to expand our lunch program in Banane because I am emotionally connected to this village. I am also connected to the last village we visited at the end of our trip earlier this year. I remember that when we walked into the meeting area they sang a very haunting and emotional song. I noticed a school next door and that seems like another great place to add lunches.
We are excited about taking this step. Our love and passion for the children in Haiti is very strong and we are grateful to be able to expand this program. Our Barco family was deeply touched to be a part of this expanded hot lunch program.
Happy holidays to each of you.
~Michael Donner