
A Family’s Love
At least 300,000 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer each year according to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. The experiences of the families that deal with this for days, for years, are difficult and stressful. And unconditional love helps to pull them through.
Melissa and Robert Dominguez first found out that their son Vincent was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 6.
“We were in the ER with Vincent at CHLA when the doctor came in and said, ‘We believe you son has Neuroblastoma.’ I said, ‘that’s cancer.'” – Melissa Dominguez
She felt a pain in her chest, her body was numb and her brain had a hard time understanding what she was hearing. It was the last thing in the world they expected. Things had to change. Melissa had to quit her job as she needed to be with Vincent. She had to depend on her family and friends to help out with her two older boys, Christian and Justin, because Robert still had to work while she was in the hospital and at the Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House during treatment. Bags were always packed and by the front door in case they had to race to the hospital.
They found out about the Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House (LARMH) when they were at CHLA-Children’s Hospital LA, when Vincent was first diagnosed. They spent a lot of time staying there, where Vincent could be close to the hospital during treatment and off and on over the past 6 years for his scans and checkups. While they were at the LARMH, Vincent became friends with the people in the Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times office. He would disappear and she would always find him in their office. That was when she met Jasmin Joya who told them all about family camp. As soon as Vincent got the “ok” from his oncologist, they signed up with no idea what to expect. Melissa felt that this was a magical place where kids like Vincent and their siblings can relax and just be kids.
Vincent, blessed with a loving and giving heart, loves helping others. Because of him, they have continually “given back” by helping the LARMH, Chino Valley Fire, CHLA’s infusion center and Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times.
Vincent will be 5 years in remission from Neuroblastoma on January 25th, 2021. As of April this year, his oncologist decided that he is finally ready to move to once a year scans and labs. They are so happy, but nervous at the same time.
“To be honest, as a mom, I always have a fear that the cancer will come back. But those are thoughts that have to be ignored. Thankfully, Vincent is doing amazing and is a healthy 12 years old boy. What I would say to other families dealing with a child with cancer… Try to keep as much normalcy as possible. Sometimes that seems impossible, but even the little things make a difference. Keep a journal, write anything and everything down. It is amazing to look back to see how far Vincent has come. Be as strong as you can… but it is ok to feel weak!” -Melissa