"Salute to Tim Rich and his family for Making a Difference"
Today I spoke with Tim Rich, a McDonald’s owner operator, from Oklahoma. I was so inspired from our talk that I wanted to share what I learned.
During the time they were remodeling and upgrading one of their stores, they had a plan to continue to pay their staff during the many weeks the store was closed for remodeling purposes. They offered to pay their staff if they volunteered their time in the local community. What a great humanitarian thing to do. It also proved out to be a great business decision.
He also shared a story about one of his team members who volunteered time at a hospice that his grandparent was living. The time spent by this employee was very important and life changing. The team member conveyed that this made a great difference in the life of his grandparent and in his own life. Whenever we can make a difference in the lives of those who work in our family business we make the family and the business stronger. A heartfelt congratulations goes out to Tim and his entire family for doing such a amazing thing. We also discover in life that the more we give others the more we get in return. More on Tim Rich’s story.
In honor of Tim and his family. Barco’s Nightingales is donating money, to send 3 children with cancer, to attend The Ronald McDonalds Camp for Good Times . It is our honor to recognize this remarkable achievement.