The Power of Compassion
This story is from a report we received from ReSurge International showing the impact of our contributions to their efforts. We found it inspiring and delightful.
For these two young girls, recovering from free reconstructive surgery did not have to be serious business. After spending a week in the pediatric recovery ward together, Thi Lien (left) and Thi Thao Hien (right) became fast friends.
Thi Lien was born with hand syndactyly, a congenital condition in which her fingers were fused together. She had already received surgery on her right hand a few years prior and was in the ward recovering from her surgery on her left hand.
Thi Thao Hien was in recovery following the first of many surgeries she will have in her life. She was born with a large hairy nevus, a congenital mole that appears at birth. In her case, her arm and spots on her abdomen were covered by this deformity. ReSurge doctors explained to her family that Thi Thao Hien would need several surgeries to completely eradicate the moles. Her family agreed to start surgery now, with the hope that she will continue treatment through ReSurge in the future.
Rulers of the pediatric ward, these two partners in crime made a game of jumping from bed to bed. By the end of the trip, they were finally brazen enough to play with members of the ReSurge medical team and smile for the cameras.