Wonderful Works of Love
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption’s program, Wendy’s Wonderful Kids, works with children who have been in the foster system a long time. Beth Ann, age 17, is a shining example of the program’s success. Beth Ann was placed in foster care in 2006 when her mother was jailed for drug use. Her mother gave birth to two siblings while in prison and relinquished custody of those children to Beth Ann’s aunt, but refused to relinquish custody of Beth Ann.
Beth Ann lived in institutions, group homes and foster homes, and finally became a part of a therapeutic foster family in 2010 and was referred to a Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiter.
Beth Ann and the recruiter discussed her feelings and the prospect of adoption. After several discussions with her foster family about the importance of permanency in Beth Ann’s life, everyone agreed adoption was best for the entire family.
As the adoption process progressed, issues arose which made the adoption impossible and left Beth Ann no longer wishing for adoption. The recruiter didn’t give up and continued to be a consistent presence in her life. As the two talked about Beth Ann’s siblings and aunt, the recruiter was able to locate the aunt who revealed how she fought and failed to gain custody of Beth Ann.
The recruiter worked with the family and eventually Beth Ann, her aunt and her siblings became a family in February 2013.
Barco’s Nightingales Foundation proudly supports the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and all it does for children.