Barco’s Nightingales Foundation was founded as a way of saluting the many generations of nurses for their tremendous contribution in making the world a better place for each of us. We are committed to supporting the vitality and courageous heart of nursing, and dedicated to honoring the spirit of those women and men who choose […]
Their tender touch coupled with their professional skill enables nursing to be considered the most trusted profession of all. This photo taken by me while in Peru clearly shows why nurses are the heartbeat and loving touch of our health care system. It is fitting to show and briefly tell this story during Nurses Week. […]
A mother’s love and connection with their children is beautiful, yet difficult to express in words. Hopefully these photos capture the true meaning of Mothers love…the love and touch of Mothers all around the world. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers around the world! Michael
As we spread our community of compassion to helping our customers efforts to make the world a better place we find new opportunities that are making such a difference in helping others. We give great applause to Kim and her family. Their gifts to the orphanages in El Salvador that they visited and helped is […]
I want to pay tribute to my wife and partner Frida. As our lives move into these precious years we have so much to look forward to. It is such an honor to live the rest of my life with my beloved wife Frida. Barco’s Nightingales has brought added meaning and purpose in our lives. […]
We were blessed in having 424 members of our extended family show up and walk with us. It was an amazing moment for everyone. We all had such a good time and further strengthened our bond as a community of compassion. The heart and soul of each of us was unified in our commitment to […]
Just look at the courage of Quinn. She has gone through 4 rounds of chemotherapy along with her stem cell treatment. Just look at her fight for life. God is by her side and she is winning. I have learned so much from Quinn. Every day is precious and we need to be positive as […]
Quinn continues to get treatment and she is doing well. Her medical team is awesome. Please keep Quinn in your prayers Thank you Michael
This is a photo recently taken of Angel and his mother. I met them when I was in Pucallpa Peru in April 2010. At that time Angel had a fever and was not allowed to have his cleft lip repaired. Just last month in Feb 2011 this photo was taken and within 2 days he […]
What a moment for all of us as we watched the Feb 10 episode of Grey’s Anatomy. It was such a heartfelt moment for our Barco’s Nightingales Foundation. We are very grateful to ABC and the producers and actors of the show for mentioning our Nightingales Foundation. The many years of this wonderful relationship we’ve […]