I have just arrived in Lima, Peru. Tonight at 11pm I fly to Miami and then home. I will be home at noon on Saturday. This trip to Peru was remarkable and an amazing experience. The people and the county of Peru are magnificent. The Amazon Jungle area is the most unique place on Earth […]
TODAY WAS AMONG THE MOST WONDERFUL DAYS OF MY LIFE. At the hotel at 700am, before leaving for the hospital, we took pictures of my farewell. These pictures will be reminders of the special people who made this trip so meaningful. I have made some new relationships that will last a lifetime. When we reached […]
During one of the surgeries, Beverly, one of the amazing nurses, was asked if she needed to take a break and her answer was priceless. She said no because she is needed in surgery and because she loves what she does. She said to me later that when you love your work as much as […]
Today was truly amazing. I witnessed my first severe cleft lip surgery. Kristin was the surgeon and she allowed me to stand next to her and watch as she operated on Carlos, a young child. I did not feel queasy watching, even though there was considerable bleeding. Kristen was skillful in opening up the entire […]
Today was a challenging and special day. Surgeries began and when the day was over 5 children had their lives changed for the better. Two of my favorite children were the first 2 to have their surgeries – Antonio, who is three, and Piero, who is five. It was very sad seeing the mothers hand […]
Today was amazing. First thing in the morning, following a 630am breakfast, we met Janet Volpe, a pediatrician and the team leader for this trip. She is an amazing person. She went over the schedule for the day and had everyone introduce themselves. Each person attending had already experienced many prior trips and they all […]