We hope you enjoy this three minute documentary video, which shows in words and images the desperate need for clean water in Haiti. We are continually blessed to be able to help build solar wells that provide access to fresh, life-saving water for thousands of women, children and families in Haitian communities. To watch the […]
Nurse’s care and passion for what they do, are depicted in these photos taken by Phil Borges. These photos appear in the lobby of Barco Uniforms. It clearly shows our guests and employees that our community of compassion is growing. When you look into the soul of each nurse, you see the reason for Barco’s […]
The spirit of children all around the globe is priceless. During my trip to Pucallpa, Peru with Resurge International, I had the pleasure and privilege to bring back these photos. These photos were taken by a great photographer named Adam Forgash. A heartfelt thanks to Adam. Children all around the world bring such spirit and energy. When Barco’s […]
The attached photos are the gifts we get from the human spirit of children. These photos are from my trip to Pucallpa Peru. Many of the photos came from an amazing photographer Adam Forgash. The love and innocence of these children is easy to see. They have love in their eyes and hearts. Their standard […]
As the year is about to end and the new year is about to begin, I think about how fortunate we all are with the heart and soul of nurses around the globe. This year I had the opportunity to spend one week with 4 amazing nurses while I was in Pucallpa, Peru. This was […]
Adam Forgash is a New York City-based documentary photographer / photojournalist. His work combines a passion for photography with the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with his subjects. With over twenty years of experience, he has worked with commercial, editorial and non-profit clientele including Amnesty International, Interplast, The Smile Train, Associated Press and Corbis/Sigma. His […]
I have just received from Adam Forgash, his photos from our trip to Pucallpa Peru. It was so exciting to see the trip through his camera and his soul. The trip has become such a vivid memory following the viewing of his amazing photos. The photo above is of Lourdes. She is a 10 month […]
I have just arrived in Lima, Peru. Tonight at 11pm I fly to Miami and then home. I will be home at noon on Saturday. This trip to Peru was remarkable and an amazing experience. The people and the county of Peru are magnificent. The Amazon Jungle area is the most unique place on Earth […]